I found this to be timely and true. Instead of people taking time to listen and consider another point of view, the immediate response from the emotional centre triggers a sense of being wrong. Then the conversation or possibly of meaningful discourse is shut down.

I met a physicist friend of my husband’s who smashes atoms together for a living. I tried to engage in a conversation with him to understand the scientific perspective of things I have considered from a spiritual perspective.

Shut. Down. Hard. With a smirk in a snide remark the conversation was over before it even began.

Too many are unable to concede what they know for even a moment to consider what they may not know yet

We haven’t learned how to listen, many of us I love the phrase, God gave us two ears and one mouth and that’s because we’re supposed to listen twice as often as we speak

Debate is interesting and potentially expensive when done with respect, and with ears opened at least, as often as the mouth

I appreciate the thoughts you’ve expressed here.

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Hello Patricia, thank you so much for reading and taking the time to share a response. I’m sorry about your experience as you tried to engage in meaningful conversation to genuinely connect and learn. I love that quote about God giving us one mouth and two ears. I remember hearing that and it is so true. If only we listened twice as much as we speak. I’m glad that you could relate this and I share many of same sentiments.

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