Autocorrect shouldn’t have corrected what I meant to say ‘lest become a slave to money’

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This is insightful and helpful. An inspiring look at how to manage wealth.

Important to understand that money is a system of debt, human created. More than anything, it is used this create a feeling of scarcity, which is an unnatural state of being.

Only God can create something out of nothing.

That said, the system is flawed anytime a feeling of lack is produced.

Therefore the objective of money should be to have it serve you, not the other way around, lest become a space to it.

Here’s where the faculty of the imagination becomes so important.

We must imagine being abundant with not only money, but resources.

I find a great mantra that works is: ‘I have money.’ Then imagine what you’d do with it. As money, like anything else material, is energy. A symbol used to exchange goods and services. The amount we earn is directly related to the amount of service we provide to others. Serve more, earn more. Serve less, earn less, in exchange for freedom of time to build skills that will allow you to serve more.

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Thank you so much reading! I appreciate your insight. I totally agree that we should become abundant in resources and shift the paradigm for how we value money. Unfortunately, our society place too great of importance on money and that money can truly buy anything. I wish it were not the case. But we can definitely attempt to set ourselves up for financial success as individual.

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